1 Nov 2021 Don’t Just Look For Lumps: 5 Little-Known Warning Signs of Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer Awareness comes around every October, and from now until then, the “Great Pink Push” is unleashed upon women everywhere. The cancer research and prevention sectors will shift into overdrive, urging women to get their mammogram screenings as they beg for cash donations for breast cancer research. However, they provide little in the way of practical preventative tips and tools that women can use to avoid breast cancer.
As a concerned health-conscious woman, you probably want to know what you need to look for right now to prevent breast cancer instead of figuring out how to deal with it after you’ve been diagnosed (which will hopefully never happen.)I’ve put together a list of 5 little-known early warning signs of breast cancer that most women don’t know. Use the techniques outlined below to prevent breast cancer.
- Don’t Just Look for Breast Lumps
- Your Hormones and Cellular Health
- Know the Breast Cancer Signs
- Can Back Pain Indicate Breast Tumor Development?
- Nutrient Deficiency and Breast Cancer
Are Your Breasts Storing Dangerous Toxicity?
Take the Breast Health Quiz and Find Out If you have lumps, bumps or pain in your breasts,this does not always indicate cancer. If you’d like to know if your breasts could be storing harmful toxicity, please take our 5-minute quiz to find out.
5 Little-Known Warning Signs of Breast Cancer [Part 1]
Don’t Just Look for Breast Lumps
The most common way that conventional doctors look for breast cancer in women is to identify lumps in the breasts. They most often do this with mammogram x-rays. A mammogram offers physicians a basic visual of breast tissue and allows them to see any lumps, masses, or other abnormalities that might point to a malignancy.But mammograms themselves can be a potential cause of cancer due to the ionizing radiation they send into the breast tissue. Moreover, they aren’t accurate 100% of the time, despite what you may have been told. Lumps and masses in breast tissue can be either benign (harmless) or malignant (harmful), and mammograms don’t differentiate between the two. This often leads to false diagnoses and unnecessary chemotherapy or radition treatments.A better option, if you choose to undergo routine cancer screenings, isthermography.This unique screening method allows doctors to not only look for unusual lumps or growths, but also identify whether or not angiogenesis is taking place within the breast tissue. This is a much more accurate and less harmful indicator of breast cancer.Angiogenesis means new blood vessel growth. If angiogenesis is taking place, it may indicate that a woman’s body is trying to build a new supply system for blood to be delivered to breast tumors. Doctors who specialize in examining thermography images will be able to identify whether or not angiogenesis is taking place, and suggest a proper course of action.
5 Little-Known Warning Signs of Breast Cancer [Part 2]
Your Hormones and Cellular Health
Many health experts will tell you that breast cancer is something that comes from “bad genetics.” It’s passed down from mothers to their daughters, and can’t be avoided. While there is some merit to this theory,not all types of breast cancer result from “bad genetics”.In fact, most types of breast cancer are a result of one’s environment, diet, and lifestyle. These 3 factors dictate how a woman’s endocrine system produce and balance hormones. In other words, hormone imbalance plays a major role in determining breast cancer risk. Thermography can help qualify physicians determine whether or not a woman has an elevated breast cancer risk.
5 Little-Known Warning Signs of Breast Cancer [Part 3]
Know the Breast Cancer Signs
Every woman’s body is different, and getting in tune with your own personal rhythm is important for staying healthy. Pay close attention to any unusual changes that might be occurring, especially within breast tissue. Doing this can help prevent breast cancer.If you feel any unusual aches or pains in your breast, including occasional throbbing, pain, or even fluctuating discomfort, you should talk to your doctor. Many women assume that breast cancer begins with an isolated lump and localized pain. However, the truth is that breast cancer can manifest as “scattered, seed-like” tumors that can spread like small tentacles throughout breast tissue.According to experts from MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, breast cancer often shows up without the classic lump. In fact, most women experience symptoms such as swelling and irritation, dimpling, nipple discharge beyond normal lactation, nipple inversion, and/or a thickening and reddening of skin around the nipple.“There are breast cancers that present as half a lump or there may be no lump at all,” says Dr. Naoto Ueno, chief of Translational Breast Cancer Research at the Center, as quoted by CBS News. “It could just be a strange-looking skin appearance or skin being red or dimpled.”Just be sure to look for patterns of change, or any new and unusual symptoms that occur outside of your normal body rhythm. Occasional pain may not be indicative of breast cancer, but persistent itching, for instance, could point to fluid buildup, poor lymph function, or your body trying to create new blood vessels for breast tumors.
5 Little-Known Warning Signs of Breast Cancer [Part 4]
Can Back Pain Indicate Breast Tumor Development?
If you experience upper back pain that feels as though it’s coming from deep within the bones, this may be an early sign of breast cancer. But don’t worry – if it’s occasional soreness or back pain, this doesn’t always point to breast cancer! However, chronic back pain that persists even with stretching, chiropractic, or other means may be a sign that breast cancer tumors are forming.Sometimes when tumors are developing in a woman’s breast, they put pressure on the ribs and spine causing persistent pain. You need to be aware of any changes that occur in your spinal column, upper back, and even neck. Consult with a medical professional if you feel as though the pain you’re experiencing is unusually pronounced and marked by pressure from a possible internal growth.
5 Little-Known Warning Signs of Breast Cancer [Part 5]
Nutrient Deficiency and Breast Cancer
Nutrient deficiency has become an epidemic in the United States. Many don’t realize the risks that come with eating an unbalanced diet. In fact, what you’renoteating could be increasing your likelihood of developing chronic health conditions. For example, a lack of Vitamin D and iodine can elevate your risk of developing breast cancer.Almost 75% of the “healthy” adult population has an iodine deficiency. Iodine is especially helpful in warding off cancer cells in the breasts and other parts of the body. Moreover, a 2012 study published in the Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism revealed that low vitamin D levels are a hallmark in women with breast cancer. Other studies show similar findings.A good rule of thumb in today’s nutrient-depleted world is to add cancer-fighting nutrient supplements to your daily routine. These nutrients include:
- Iodine
- Vitamin D
- Selenium
- Zinc
It’s also recommended to consult with a trained clinical nutritionist, naturopath or integrative doctor. They can help you identify any specific nutrient deficiencies you might have and help you optimize your unique biological “terrain” for the best breast cancer prevention.Live your life without the threat of cancer.