A Better Solution:

As an integrative clinical nutritionist who practices functional medicine, I offer all-natural alternatives and medical food products that are, in most cases, just as effective as traditional treatments (medications) without all of the dangerous side effects.

Improving your Cellular Profile by lowing your percentage of unhealthy body fat can help reduce your risk of a variety of serious health conditions.

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Why is an Aging Analysis Important to My Health and Weight Loss?

Research has shown that body composition is directly related to health. A normal balance of body fat is associated with good health and longevity. Excess fat in relation to lean body mass, a condition known as altered body composition, can greatly increase your risks for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Aging Analysis fosters early detection of an improper balance in your body composition, which allows for early intervention and prevention. Aging Analysis also provides a measurement of fluid and body mass that can be a critical assessment tool for your state of cellular health. Aging Analysis serves to measure your progress as you work to improve your health and cellular profile.

Improving your cellular measurements can help keep your body functioning properly for healthy aging and reduce the risk of illness.

With your Aging Analysis, I can recommend a personalized dietary plan, nutritional supplements, and exercise to help you support optimal health and well-being for a lifetime.

What is an Aging Analysis?

Aging Analysis is is a simple yet sophisticated test done right in the office at the time of your appointment in a matter of minutes. Results are gathered immediately and reviewed with the patient with the help of computer analysis.

The Aging Analysis calculates your tissue and fluid compartments. Using an imperceptible electric current passed through pads placed on the back of hand and foot as lie comfortably clothed on an exam table. In just minutes we have accurate measurements to help create an effective personalized program to improve your health status.

The Aging Analysis allows me to see if your cells are aging pre-maturely, if your cell membrane is shrinking, this is the first sign of pre-mature aging of your cells. This is reversible. This premature aging of the cell membrane is due to nutritional deficiencies. Your diet is lacking in one or more nutrients that are causing severe effects on your cellular profile.

The same can be said for cell receptors. Receptors hence the name are supposed to be receptive. Sensitive to the body’s own natural production of hormones like Insulin and or nutrients you take in. Whether it’s food or supplements, these receptors are how these nutrients or hormones get into the cells. So the cells can use them for energy.

If the receptors are resistant this creates a problem because the cells are essentially starving. Nutrients and hormones cant get in.

Excess body fat can block these receptors. This is called Insulin Resistance and causes Type 2 Diabetes, but what if you are not overweight, What if your body composition is where it’s supposed to be, under 25% body fat.

What causes Insulin Resistance? The answer is… STRESS.

Stress cause an entire chemical cascade to occur that compromises your cellular profile…this puts you at risk for not only Type 2 Diabetes, Coronary Artery Disease, High Cholesterol, Metabolic Syndrome, Stroke and Cancer.

That’s right… STRESS.

I test young people all the time at Fortune 100 and 500 Companies…These millennials are under 30 and their cell tests all look the same. Most of them are in good shape except for Cell Receptors.

They are all elevated and these millennials are stressed. They think that diet and exercise alone will change this and improve this profile…

It won’t, believe me, I wish it would.

You have the choice and the ability to gain powerful knowledge and essential information before its too late.

Aging Analysis is one of the Most Important tests you can have…